My vacuum is shot....
...... it's held together by Burnie's most liberal application of carefully layered duct tape!
And despite all his best & cheapest efforts to attain a smidgen of operationability...
The thing still falls apart in your hand. The sticky stuff off the old duct tape is like 8 years old at least!
8 YEARS!.....
8 YEARS....... of build-up of this stuff - that's how long the vacuum has been broken.
It has become more than useless. It has become a gall-darn sticky niusance that requires the application of baby oil to remove the gooey muck off your hands after every attempt at house-cleaning.
Forget even expecting to actually pick up some dirt!
I mean... what can be worse than when you (as much as you despise cleaning in the first place) are unable to keep any kind of a grip on the handle, or even make the on/off switch do anything?
Ok.... so..............
I'm into eBay these days... everyone who knows me knows this.
I need a vacuum part.
There's this guy in Abbotsford BC who sells parts to my vacuum system cheaper than I've seen in Ontario,
I order a kit from him on Feb 28. I pay him immediately via PayPal.
He sends me an email confirming my order along with a Canada Post tracking number (which guarantees a 3 day-delivery).
He has great customer feedback, & I don't put any blame on him, even today...
I don't want anyone to think I'm going off the deep end here.
I mean... the parcel, with its much needed vacuum parts, appears to be on its way here...
Ummm... well... except for the fact that it....
8 TIMES SO FAR !!!!!!!!
.... back & forth, back & forth, back & forth, back & forth, back & forth......
AND.... it is on its 9TH trip across the country as we speak!
YEAH!!! It's true! I'm not making this up! This thing IS on its 9TH trip across Canada!!!!!
It just keeps traveliing back & forth... back & forth.... back & forth.... back & forth.... back & forth.... back & forth................................................
....for more than a month now, & probably forever........
Hmmmm.... maybe it will still be yo-yoing across the country decades from now.
Luckily, my eBay seller said he would send me another kit. I hope this one takes the less scenic route. :)
I want you to see the screen shot I took of Canada Post's tracker today... even though I believe it's going to get even crazier than you'll see here. Click on the picture to see it enlarged so you can read it.
Sounds like the poor vaccum part is on holiday's before it gets to work.:)Hope you get it soon
That is hilarious!!! I know a few physics prof's that would be interested in this - 'perpetual motion': it was only a theory until now!
I should slap $13 worth of stamps on myself and get a few cross country trips out of it...
I think someone is using the package to ship drugs/money between Ontario and BC.
If you ever receive it, have Steve give it a sniff and he can let us know if it came in contact with any quality herb.
That's insanity! Is there someone you could call to and ask what the heck the problem is? I sure am curious.. keep us posted :P
Love your comment Dave.
Poor, poor, package...it probably just wants to get home...
Funniest thing ever though!
Yo Seaj
LOL On that package, you gotta admire the cheapness of Canada Post though eh? No where else in the world could you send a package that far for such a small amount of money. :D
You should post about the Roomba... I am so in love with it! haha great to finally meet you's both!
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